Certain contractures due to Dupuytren’s disease can be treated in the office, without a trip to the operating room, without an incision, and without prolonged therapy. Needle aponeurotomy involves puncturing the Dupuytren’s cord in several places using a needle that is placed directly into the skin, after instillation of a local anesthetic agent. The finger is then manipulated at the same office visit to straighten it. The correction can be partial or complete. Sometimes, depending on the severity of the contracture and the state of the skin, the overlying skin can tear. Usually no treatment other than applying a dressing is required. A splint is worn for about a week, and then at night for another week. This procedure can be very successful in correcting the contracture. In general, the contracture returns after the treatment in 1-3 years. The procedure can be repeated at that time. This procedure may be done under ultrasound guidance if needed. Sometimes, needle aponeurotomy is performed in very severe contractures, as a pre-surgical procedure, to make open surgery easier and safer. Whether or not in-office needle aponeurotomy is an option for your condition will be discussed with you during your consultation with Dr. Yu.